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There are multiple safety features of The Lift that ensure both the safety of the items being lifted and the people using or around The Lift. 

First, there is a safety lockout on the controller that when pressed does not allow The Lift to operate. 

Second, The Lift motor has an electronic brake that functions without the need to press a button. 

Third, a 1/2in safety pin comes with The Lift. The safety pin should be inserted into the channel below the trolley when in the raised position. This acts as a reinforcement safety measure to the electronic brake. 

Fourth, The Lift requires someone to be pressing the up or down button on the controller in order for The Lift to move. 

Finally, operators should always secure the items being raised using the attachment features, tie-down straps or a cargo net prior to raising The Life above your garage, basement or living space. 

Yes, The Lift has many safety features to ensure that it will not lower when not in use. The Lift’s purpose is to create more garage storage space, basement storage space or living space. 

The Lift is designed to be safe with all family members around. 

The controller has a lockout feature that disengages The Lift motor when pressed. To disengage the lockout feature the operator must twist the red button to release the lock. Once the lockout is disengaged the operator must press the up or down button continuously in order for The Lift to operation and move. The controller also comes with a 15ft cable and a wall mount to enable the controller to be mounted high enough so children are unable to reach. This also allows the controller to mounted far enough away from The Lift so that you and your children can stay clear while operating.

If you are using a Cargo Rack, Roof Rack or Luggage Rack, you should also purchase the proper sized cargo net or ratchet straps to secure items to the attachment. Bike Racks typically come with attachments to secure bikes to the Bike Rack. All items being lifted should be properly secured to the racks before operating The Lift. 

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